Quotes From "A Most Peculiar Circumstance" By Jen Turano

My grandfather will adore you."" Because...?"" You're not normal."" I see we're back to trading insults."" I meant that as a compliment. Jen Turano
Arabella tilted her head, and Theodore couldn't help himself. Her lips were right in front of him, and he needed to claim them. He settled his lips over hers and the world melted away. Jen Turano
I say, you look smashing this evening, " Zayne strode over to her, took her arm, and began helping her up the walk, "That is a lovely gown, and what is the color of the hair you're currently sporting? Jen Turano
She looked at him for a long moment. "There really is more substance to you than you let on, isn't there?£ Jen Turano
Honestly, he could be adorable, and at the moment she had the feeling he wasn't even trying. Jen Turano